
发布时间:2024-10-14 12:53:54

1. 礼仪 - etiquette

2. 传统 - tradition

3. 文化- culture

4. 艺术- art

5. 书法- calligraphy

6. 绘画- painting

7. 音乐- music

8. 舞蹈- dance

9. 戏剧- drama

10. 诗歌- poetry

11. 文学- literature

12. 哲学- philosophy

13. 历史- history

14. 神话- mythology

15. 传说 - legend

16. 故事 - story

17. 民间 - folk

18. 风俗- customs

19. 节日- festival

20. 婚礼- wedding21. 葬礼- funeral

22. 祭祀 sacrifice

23. 祖先- ancestors

24. 家族 - family

25. 宗族 - clan

26. 姓氏 - surname

27. 名字- name

28. 称呼 - address

29. 尊称 - honorific title

30. 年龄- age

31. 性别- gender

32. 婚姻- marriage

33. 家庭- family

34. 子女- children

35. 教育- education

36. 学习- study

37. 知识 - knowledge

38. 智慧 - wisdom

39. 学问- learning

40. 书籍 - books41. 经典- classics

42. 文献- literature

43. 古籍- ancient books

44. 碑文- inscription

45. 铭文 - epigraph

46. 文字- characters

47. 汉字 - Chinese characters

48. 成语 - idioms

49. 谚语 - proverbs

50. 俗语 - sayings

51. 方言- dialects

52. 语言 - language

53. 文字表达 - expression of words

54. 文化交流 - cultural exchange

55. 传统文化保护- protection of traditional culture

56. 文化遗产- cultural heritage

57. 文物古迹 - cultural relics and historic sites

58. 传统节日庆祝活动- traditional festival celebration activities

59. 传统手工艺 - traditional handicrafts

60. 传统美食 - traditional cuisine61. 传统服饰- traditional clothing

62. 传统建筑风格 - traditional architectural style

63. 传统音乐乐器 - traditional musical instruments

64. 传统舞蹈表演 - traditional dance performance

65. 传统戏剧演出 - traditional drama performance

66. 传统绘画技法- traditional painting techniques

67. 传统书法作品 - traditional calligraphy works

68. 传统文学作品- traditional literary works

69. 传统哲学思想 - traditional philosophy thoughts

70. 传统历史事件- traditional historical events

71. 传统神话故事- traditional mythological stories

72. 传统节日习俗 - traditional festival customs

73. 传统婚礼仪式- traditional wedding ceremony

74. 传统葬礼仪式- traditional funeral ceremony

75. 传统祭祀仪式- traditional sacrificial ceremony

76. 传统家族观念 - traditional concept of family

77. 传统宗族观念- traditional concept of clan

78. 传统姓氏起源 - origin of traditional surnames

79. 传统名字意义 - meaning of traditional names

80. 传统称呼方式 - way of addressing in traditional culture








