“口误”不是mouth wrong!翻译错了很尴尬!
发布时间:2025-01-23 08:05:45
日常交流中,我们常常会遇到这样的情况:一紧张或者着急,话语就不受控制,原本想说的话 “跑偏” 了,说出一些并非本意的内容。这种情况,我们习惯称之为 “口误”。需要注意的是,“口误” 可不能直译为 “mouth wrong” 哦,这可是个错误的表达。今天,我们就来学习一下 “口误” 正确的英语说法。
“口误” 地道的英语表达是 “slip of the tongue”。“slip” 读音为 /slɪp/,有 “滑倒” 的意思;“tongue” 读音是 /tʌŋ/,表示 “舌头” 。它的英文解释是 “something that you say by accident when you intended to say something else” ,也就是当你本想说某句话,却意外说出了别的内容。这个表达十分生动形象,就好像舌头在说话时不小心 “打滑” 了,从而导致说错话、“翻车”。
“I called her new boyfriend by her previous boyfriend's name - it was just a slip of the tongue.”意思是我叫她新男友的名字时,不小心喊成了她前任男友的名字,这只是个口误。
“I didn't mean to tell her that. It was a slip of the tongue.” 翻译过来是我并非有意要告诉她那件事,那只是个口误。
既然有 “口误”,与之类似的还有 “笔误” 和 “手误”。按照同样的构词逻辑
“笔误” 的英文表达是 “slip of the pen”
“手误” 常见的英文表达则是 “A slip of the thumb” 。
以下是 “笔误” 和 “手误” 相关的例句:
“That was a slip of the pen,I meant to write September,not November.” 那是个笔误,我本来想写的是 9 月,而不是 11 月。
“A slip of the thumb is an unintentional mistake made whilst texting.” 意思是在发短信时,由于手指不小心滑动而出现了一个并非自己想要的错误。
“口臭” 常见的英语表达有以下几种:
bad breath:这是最常用、最直白的表达,breath 表示 “呼吸;气息”,bad breath 直接表明呼吸时散发出来的不好的气味就是口臭。
He has bad breath. Maybe he should brush his teeth more often.(他有口臭。也许他应该更经常地刷牙。)
The doctor said his halitosis might be caused by a problem in his digestive system.
foul breath:foul 有 “难闻的;恶臭的” 意思,foul breath 和 bad breath 意思相近,都可表示口臭。
Eating too much garlic can cause foul breath.(吃太多大蒜会导致口臭。)
- 相关标签:英语培训 小语种 雅思
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